Bensalem Himmich received his education in Rabat, Morocco and his higher education in Paris, France, receiving a doctoral degree in philosophy from the Sorbonne in 1986. He has written a number of philosophical works as well as several novels and collections of poems. His novel Majnun al-hukm received the al-Naqid Award and was chosen by the Authors’ Union in Egypt as one of the best novels of the twentieth century. The Polymath received the Grand Atlas Award in Rabat and the Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature in Cairo. Bensalem Himmich is the vice-president of the Moroccan and Arab World Writers’ Union and is professor of philosophy at Mohamed V University in Rabat. He was awarded the Sharjah Prize in 2003.
Roger Allen is professor of Arabic language and literature at the University of Pennsylvania. Among his translations are Naguib Mahfouz’s Mirrors, Karnak Café, and Khan al-Khalili (AUC Press, 1999, 2007, 2008).