List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Maps
Introduction: Encountering the Brothers
A Public Secret 2
--Mosalsal 2
--Al-Mahzura 4
--Open Secrecy, Informality, and the State 5
The Gama‘a and Society 7
--The Debate 7
--The Purpose of This Book 9
Investigating Open Secrecy 12
--The Local Offices of Brotherhood MPs 12
--Ethnography and the Evidential Paradigm 13
--The Role of the Researcher 16
The Structure of the Study 19
1. (In)formal Politics
The Brotherhood and the Local Road to Parliament 22
--Rebuilding an Undefined Organization 23
--Electoral Politics and Social Embedding 28
--The Brotherhood as an Informal Player 35
The 2005 Elections: Knowing the Brothers 42
--Brotherhood Candidates: Non-professional Participants 42
--A Local Public–Work Elite 47
Conclusion 51
2. Mobilizing Disinterestedness
Statesmen, Businessmen, and Men of God? 54
--Patterns of Eligibility 55
--Serving Society and Serving God 68
“A House Does Not Only Have Foundations” 79
--Producing Voters 80
--External Networks: The ‘Izba Politics 87
Conclusion 92
3. Banned MPs
Dealing with the Tanzim 98
--Internal Positioning of the MPs 98
--Local Variations in MP Staff 103
Dealing with the Everyday State 115
--Three Models of Negotiating Access to Resources 115
--Meeting Individual Requests: Mediation, Instruction, and Ascription 125
Conclusion 136
4. The Politics of Goodness
The Social Spread of the Gama‘a: The Networks of Khayr 143
--Brotherhood Networks: Activist Groups and Extensions 143
--Semi-Brotherhood Networks: Local Partner Institutions 148
--Neighborhood Social Networks and Associated Personalities 155
The Social Construction of Ethical Conduct 164
--Charity Days: Doing and Ways of Doing 165
--Conducts of the Exemplary Self 174
Conclusion 186
5. The Double-edged Sword of Brotherhood
Becoming a Brother: The Embodiment of Ethical Conduct 191
--Methodological Remarks 191
--Shaping Orthopraxy: Islam, Tarbiyya, and Discipline 192
Socializing the Brothers: The Centrality of Margins 197
--Locating the Ikhwani Self 197
--To Be or Not to Be Ikhwani—Is That the Question? 203
--Brothers and Others: When Tarbiyya Encourages
--Social Interaction 208
When ‘Good’ Is Not ‘Right’: ‘Us’ vs. ‘Them’ 212
--The Emergence of Public Dissent: Listening to the Bloggers 213
--Ideological Defection and Emotional (Dis)affection 216
--The Ambivalence of Virtue 226
Conclusion 242
6. Goodness in Dire Straits
The Politics of Conflictual Consensus 245
--Authoritarian Co-production and Latent Conflict 246
--Mazlumin and Virtuous Neighbors: Activating
--Political Divisions 255
Breaking Down and Falling Out: The Radicalization of Conflict 263
--Mansour, a Low-ranking Feloul in the Breakdown of Local Politics 264
--How Not to Get Out from Secrecy 268
--Exiles and Exits 276
Conclusion 282
Notes 284
Bibliography 304
Index 316
1. Leaflets of MB candidates in Helwan, 1995. 39
2-4. Leafl from ‘Ali Fath al-Bab, MB candidate in Tibbin/15 Mayo. 39
5-8. Sheikh al-Muhammadi’s electoral leaflet, Helwan, 2005. 73-74, 81
9. ‘Isam Mukhtar’s electoral leaflet, Madinat Nasr, 2005. 84
10. Photo of the Parliamentary Bloc of the MB. 97
11. Examples of Mukhtar’s parliamentary interventions. 117
12. Sheikh al-Muhammadi’s publication. 121
13. Publication from Fath al-Bab’s office. 124
14. Mukhtar’s leaflet of celebrations and services. 140
15. Some examples of services in Sheikh al-Muhammadi’s publication. 141
16. Diagram of Madame Wafa’s Network. 162
17. Postcard published by Fath al-Bab’s office. 172
1. Participation in Egyptian Legislative Elections, 1984–2005. 33
2. Results of Egyptian Legislative Elections, 1976–2010. 34
3. The Educational Backgrounds of MB Candidates in the 2005 Elections. 43
4. Professionals and Others: The Occupations of MB Candidates in 2005. 45
5. Public Work Activities of MB Candidates in 2005. 47-48
6. Main Candidates in Tibbin/15 Mayo. 58
7. Main Candidates in Helwan. 60
8. Main Candidates in Madinat Nasr. 64
9. Six Aspects of the Symbolic Economy of Disinterestedness. 77
10. Profiles of Brotherhood MP Staff in Helwan, 2005-2010. 105
1. Electoral constituencies of Helwan, Tibbin/15 Mayo and Madinat Nasr, 2005-2010. 66
2. Demographic disparities between subdistricts. 67
3. Craft and industrial workers by subdistrict. 67
4. Services and sales workers by subdistrict. 68
5. Technicians and clerks by subdistrict. 68
6. Professionals in technical and scientifi occupations by subdistrict. 69
7. Employees in the public sector by subdistrict. 69