Tag: Hoopoe Fiction

May – The Month of Mothers

May – The Month of Mothers

In May, the world acknowledges Mother Nature in springtime, the season of blossoming, and celebrates mothers in various parts of the world.

Discovering Hoopoe’s Diverse Voices and Compelling Stories

Discovering Hoopoe’s Diverse Voices and Compelling Stories

Discover Hoopoe’s diverse voices and compelling stories through the eyes of different characters and authors with this selection of novels set in various locations, including Palestine, Iraq, Turkey, and Egypt, offering readers a glimpse into the rich and diverse cultures of the Middle East.

“Imagination is the key”

“Imagination is the key”

A Q&A with Ashraf El-Ashmawi, author of The House of the Coptic Woman: A Novel translated by Peter Daniel (AUC Press, 2023).

Browse by Month
