Mourid Barghouti (Author) (1944–2021) was born in the West Bank, and graduated from the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University in 1967. His poems have been published in Beirut, Amman, and Cairo since 1972, and his Collected Works were published in Cairo in 1997. He is the author of I Was Born There, I Was Born Here (AUC Press, 2014).
Ahdaf Soueif (Translated by) is the bestselling author of In the Eye of the Sun and The Map of Love, which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1999. She has been awarded the Blue Metropolis Literary Prize (in Montreal) and the Constantin Cavafis Award (in Cairo and Athens), and is also the founder of the Palestine Festival of Literature, PalFest, for which she was awarded the Hay Medal for Festivals in 2017.
Edward W. Said (Foreword by) (1935–2003), an internationally renowned literary and cultural critic, was professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, New York. He is the author of many books, including Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism.